Carserve use a VTEQ 3000 fully computerised Rolling Road Test lane to test your vehicles brakes (front,rear and parking), suspension, and side slip (wheel alignment ) to NCT standards
This Computerised Test Lane equipment can simulate varying types of road conditions and will analyze the performance of brakes and suspension on your vehicle to ensure its safe operation and it complies with RSA ( Road Safety Authority ) mandatory standards.Tests can be carried out in differnt pakages,and should any fault or anomalies be found we will give you a printout of same and advise you on repair cost without obligation to have repairs carried out at Carserve.
Package 1:
Brakes front, rear, handbrake and side slip €25.00
Package 2:
Shock absorbers and suspension front, rear and side slip €25.00
Package 3:
Brakes front,rear, handbrake,side slip, shock absorbers, suspension front, rear and side slip €40.00
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